There’s nothing worse for a small business than dropping many hundreds or even thousands of dollars on the promise of a salesman only to have the company they represent fail to deliver. And yet it happens far too often. If your small business is like most, the money simply isn’t there for a do-over, harming your odds of success before you’ve even started.
We’ve seen this happen so much that we felt like we needed to include information beyond what we promise you. You also deserve to know what we promise never to do as a partner of your marketing efforts.
So without further ado, when you decide to work with us after your FREE initial consultation, you can rest easy knowing the following facts:
We Will NEVER:
- Outsource the writing to untrained freelancers who give back generic text and fluff that Google and other search engines will hate
- Outsource the programming and design overseas to India or The Philippines
- Upsell you on any product that won’t have a powerful impact on your business
- Charge you ridiculous amounts for hosting and upkeep
- Keep the copyright to the text we create for you. Once you pay for it, that information is yours forever, whether you stay with us or not!
- Charge you for the basic SEO that should always come with a new business website (in our opinion)
- Provide a cookie cutter website from a short list of templates
- Go outside the U.S. for labor. Writers, designers, tech support – it’s all 100% in-house in the United States
- We will never choose profits over doing you (and your business) right
- Cut corners
- Deliver less than what we promise
Every single customer we have is important to us, and their business is important to us.
FREE Initial Consultation
Call us today at 319-229-5225 to get started on a website that will work for you, built by a company who won’t let you down.